Can Hearing Protection Prevent Tinnitus?

man wearing yellow hearing protection

Tinnitus is the ringing, buzzing, or other noise you hear in your ears. It can be a sign that you have hearing loss or an ear infection. If not treated quickly, it can lead to permanent hearing impairment and tinnitus.

What Are the Common Causes of Tinnitus?

The most common causes of tinnitus are noise-induced hearing loss and ear infections. Other possible causes include:

  • Aging
  • Head injury or trauma
  • Ototoxicity
  • Vascular disorders
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  • TMJ syndrome
  • Reactions to some drugs

What Are the Symptoms of Tinnitus?

The most common symptom is hearing a sound that no one else can listen to. Other possible symptoms include ringing in your ear, buzzing or roaring sounds, humming noises and clicks. In addition, if you experience any tingling on either side of your head after an airplane takes off, you may have a condition called masked hearing loss.

How Can You Protect Your Ears from Tinnitus?

The most important thing is to avoid further damage by wearing earplugs for excessively loud or prolonged exposure. If using earbuds, keep the volume at less than 50% of the maximum and don’t listen for too long. If you have tinnitus, be sure to take steps as soon as possible to get it treated before the condition worsens and permanent hearing damage occurs. It would be best if you visited an audiologist for a proper diagnosis of your condition.

If You Already Experience Tinnitus, How Can You Manage Your Symptoms?

The best way is to avoid loud noises that cause you discomfort. You should also wear earplugs for prolonged exposure to loud noises, and make sure you take steps as soon as possible to get it treated before the condition worsens and permanent hearing damage occurs!

What Is Hearing Protection?

Hearing protection can be anything that blocks sound from entering your ear. It could be something as simple as foam plugs you put in the ears or a headset with earplugs. There are also noise-canceling headphones which work by reducing the volume of sounds to safe levels before they reach your eardrums.

How To Protect Your Hearing with Earplugs

Earplugs are the most common type of protection for ears, and their material is foam, rubber or silicone material. They work by sealing off the ear canal so sound waves cannot enter the eardrum. Make sure you get a comfortable pair in your ear canal, and that is the correct size.

How To Protect Your Hearing with Headphones

You can also use headphones for protection by using them in tandem with foam or silicone plugs that you insert into the ears – this combination will block out an even more tremendous amount of noise than just a headset on its own. Try not to use headphones for more than an hour at a time.

Can Hearing Protection Prevent Tinnitus?

No, but it will help prevent further damage to your hearing. If you’re worried about it, the most important thing to do is to avoid further damage by wearing earplugs for excessively loud or prolonged exposure and take steps as soon as possible to get it treated before the symptoms get worse and permanent hearing damage occurs.